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Você está em: Início > Cursos > Unidades Curriculares > LTU1425

Planeamento e Desenvolvimento em Turismo

Código: LTU1425    Sigla: PDT

Ocorrência: 2018/2019 - 2S

Área de Ensino: Turismo

Horas Efetivamente Lecionadas

Docência - Horas

Teórico-Práticas: 3,00
Seminário: 0,20
Outro: 0,40

Objectivos, Competências e Resultados de aprendizagem

Descriptive summary of course unit
The curricular unit presents and discusses the theme of planning and development in tourism, integrating topics of central importance to ensure the sustainable development of destinations. In addition to presenting the themes, it calls for the analysis, reflection and critical discussion of case studies.

Objectives and expected learning outcomes
1. Know, discuss and understand the fundamental concepts of tourism planning.
2. Know the process, components and stages of planning and development of destinations.
3. Recognize the importance of tourism planning.
4. Recognize the importance of sustainability in the planning and development process of tourism
5. Know concepts, definitions, life cycle and management models of tourism destinations.
6. Identify, discuss and evaluate the impacts of tourism.
7. Know the tourism indicators for sustainable development in tourism.
8. Identify and discuss good practices in tourism.

Skills to be developed
It is intended that students develop the following competences:
1. Acquire theoretical knowledge that allows the mastery of fundamental concepts and themes of the activity
2. To stimulate the capacity of observation, analysis and critical sense in the application of technical concepts of the tourism area, as well as of situations and contexts of the activity
3. Aware about the importance of tourism, tourism experience and the responsibility of tourism professionals in these areas
4. Encourage personal and behavioral skills in terms of creativity, teamwork, leadership, responsibility, motivation and autonomy for success
5. Develop a taste for tourism research


1. Tourism planning
1.1. Concepts, objectives and characteristics of planning
1.2. From planning to tourism planning
1.3. Components, steps and planning process
1.4. Levels of planning
1.5. New planning models
2. Tourism development
2.1. Concepts, objectives and benefits of development
2.2. The process of sustainable development
2.3. Impacts of tourism
2.4. Accessibility, ethics and responsibility in tourism: Global Code of Ethics in Tourism
2.5. Tourism indicators for sustainable destinations
3. Tourist Destinations
3.1. Definitions and concepts
3.2. Tourist destination life cycle
3.3. Destination Management Templates
3.4. Competitiveness of tourist destinations
4. Tourism planning and development strategy
4.1. Importance of strategic planning
4.2. Good practices in tourism
4.3. Tourism Strategy 2027

Demonstração da Coerência dos Conteúdos Programáticos com os Objetivos da UC

The proposed program allows students to gain knowledge and develop the competencies foreseen in the objectives, as follows:
- Theme 1 allows to reach objectives 1, 2 and 3, presenting fundamental concepts and themes of planning, knowledge of the planning process in tourism, as well as the recognition of its importance.
- Theme 2 allows us to reach objective 4, to raise awareness of the importance and necessity of sustainability in planning and development of tourism activity.
- Theme 3 contributes to achieving objectives 5 and 6, as presenting contents that allow to characterize tourist destinations, identify, discuss and evaluate the impacts of tourism.
- Theme 4 contributes to objectives 7 and 8 in the field of knowledge of sustainable tourism development indicators, using the identification, analysis and discussion of good practices

Bibliografia Principal

Silva, F. & Umbelino, J. (Coord.);Planeamento e Desenvolvimento Turístico, Lidel, 2017
Cooper, C. & Hall, C. M. ;Contemporary Tourism: An international approach, Goodfellow Publishers Limited, 2016

Bibliografia Complementar

Burns, P.;Tourism planning ¿ a third way? , Annals of tourism research, 30(1), 24-43, 2004
Costa, C.;An emerging tourism planning paradigm? A comparative analysis between town and tourism planning, International Journal of Tourism Research, 3:425-441, 2001
Costa. C. ;Tourism planning, development and the territory., Elsevier, 2006
World Tourism Organization;A practical guide to tourism destination management, WTO, 2007

Métodos de Ensino

The contents will be presented in dynamic expositive classes, intending a strong participation of the students, in order to promote the communication, critical reflection and discussion of ideas in the different themes. For this, exercises, case studies, illustrative videos and other multimedia material will be presented. Technical / practical sessions (in the classroom and via e-learning platform), seminar, presentation sessions and discussion of works will be promoted.

Modo de Avaliação

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Componentes de Avaliação e Ocupação registadas

Descrição Tipo Tempo (horas) Data de Conclusão
Participação presencial (estimativa)  Aulas  45
Seminário  Participação Presencial  3
Outras  Participação Presencial  6
Avaliação  Teste/Exame  3
Estudo autónomo  Estudo  103
  Total: 160

Avaliação Contínua

2 Testes escritos 2 x 35%
Trabalhos de campo a submeter via e-learning 30%

De acordo com o Regulamento da Licenciatura:
1. A presença efetiva dos estudantes nas aulas será objeto de registo e, caso o número de faltas por estudante exceda 30% do número total de sessões de contacto previstas para cada unidade curricular, será automaticamente transferido para a avaliação final da época normal.
2. Nos testes escritos e nos elementos de avaliação referidos nas alíneas b) a e) do nº2 do Art. 39º é necessária a obtenção de uma nota mínima de 7,5 (sete vírgula cinco) valores.
3. Caso o estudante falte ou obtenha uma classificação inferior a 7,5 valores nos testes ou nos elementos de avaliação referidos no número anterior, será automaticamente transferido para a avaliação final da época normal.
4. Caso o estudante falte ou obtenha uma classificação inferior a 7,5 valores no segundo teste escrito (realizado na mesma data da prova escrita final da época normal) poderá requerer inscrição para avaliação na época de recurso.

Avaliação Final

Elementos de avaliação final
Prova escrita individual: 100%

Nos termos do Regulamento da Licenciatura:
O(s) trabalhos(s) práticos ou teórico-práticos referidos na alínea b) do nº 2 do Artigo 39º poderão ser considerados, com uma ponderação correspondente a metade da considerada no âmbito da avaliação contínua, desde que o aluno comunique tal intenção ao docente através do preenchimento de impresso próprio a ser disponibilizado pelo docente no momento da realização da prova escrita.

Demonstração da Coerência das Metodologias de Ensino com os Objetivos de Aprendizagem da Unidade Curricular

The methodologies considered the characteristics of the curricular unit. In spite of a theoretical nature, the use of case studies and other support materials aims to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the curricular unit, from an applied or practical point of view.