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Você está em: Início > Pessoal > Susana Aldeia

Susana Aldeia

Fotografia de Susana Cristina Rodrigues Aldeia
Nome: Susana Cristina Rodrigues Aldeia
Sigla: SA
Estado: Não Activo

Sem informação a apresentar

Categoria: Professor Adjunto
Área: Contabilidade

Apresentação Pessoal

Formação académica
Doutoramento em Fiscalidade e Contabilidade - Universidade de Vigo
Pós-Graduação em Fiscalidade - IPCA
Licenciatura em Contabilidade - IPCA

Área de Investigação
Ciências Empresariais 

Unidades de Investigação/Centros

Publicações (mais relevantes)
Revistas Científicas
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Application of the constitutional principle of generality in Spanish companies¿ taxation. A compared study to Portugal. International Journal of Law and Management. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJLMA-01-2021-0008/full/html
Aldeia, S. (2021). The Accounting Profit's Relevance in Collecting Tax Revenue of Spain. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-accounting-profits-relevance-in-collecting-tax-revenue-of-spain.pdf
Aldeia, S. (2021). The Accounting Role in Determining the Corporate Tax Base in India. Academy of Strategic Management Journal. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-accounting-role-in-determining-the-corporate-tax-base-in-india1.pdf
Aldeia, S. (2021). The Goodwill of Business Concentrations. Accounting, Tax, and Arbitral Court Perceptions in Portugal. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/the-goodwill-of-business-concentrations-accounting-tax-and-arbitral-court-perceptions-in-portugal.pdf
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). The incomes integration into the tax base of Spanish legal persons. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23 (5), pp. 1-5.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Fundamentals of expenses non-deductibility in the companies income tax law: Portuguese case. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory, 22 (6), pp. 1-5.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). The financial performance positive element in legislation of Spain. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22 (6), pp. 1-5.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Taxation and tax obligations of restaurants. The Portuguese case study. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory, 22 (3), pp. 1-7.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). The true and fair view concept in business and tax law. The Portuguese and Spanish case studies. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 23 (2), pp. 1-11.
Conferências/Workshops e Proceedings
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Accounting and tax challenges of Portuguese restaurants. Abstract published at the International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management. https://iwthm21.isag.pt/en/book-of-proceedings/
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). Green tax measures in companies¿ reports: the case study of Portugal. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Accounting and Taxation. https://iwat.isag.pt/en/book-of-proceedings/
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2021). The Portuguese arbitral court decisions about property, plant and equipment's expenses. Abstract published at Proceedings International Workshop Accounting and Taxation. https://iwat.isag.pt/en/book-of-proceedings/
Aldeia, S., Hemsworth, K., Conde , R., & Nadais, C. (2021). The Representativeness of Portuguese Touristic Business and Tax Procedures in Their Creation. Proceedings International Conference on Tourism Research (pp. 9-16).
Aldeia, S., & Mota , L. (2021). Tax Benefits to Promote Entrepreneurship: The Portuguese Case. 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - ECIE 2021, 16 e 17 de Setembro. https://www.academic-conferences.org/conferences/ecie/
Aldeia, S., Monteiro, M., Lopes, J., & Conde, R. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility and Socially Committed Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Overview. 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE21).
Aldeia, S. (2020). Software and Hardware Forensic Tools. An Overview of The Accounting and Tax Framework in Portuguese Non-State Institutions. 60th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. XX International Social Congress (ISC 2020), 20-21 October 2020, Moskov ¿ Russia. https://www.esd-conference.com/conference/66
Aldeia, S. (2020). The Constitutional Tax Principle of Generality in Spanish Legislation. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development. https://www.esd-conference.com/past-conferences
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2020). The partner loans multidisciplinary analysis - Portugueses case study. Paper presented at the 51st International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 26-27 March, Rabat, Marrocos (WoS).
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2020). Earnings Management Phenomenon [Paper presentation]. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). Spanish societies tax law and the fiscal adjustments to the accounting expense, 50th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 13-14 fevereiro. Chelyabinsk, Russia (WoS).
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2020). The Indian tax system as a competitiveness factor of firms, 50th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, 13-14 fevereiro. Chelyabinsk, Russia (Wos).
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2020). Software and hardware forensic tools. An overview of the accounting and tax framework in Portuguese non-state institutions. Proceedings International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, XX International Social Congress.
Silva, A.P. & Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Digital dematerialisation in the Portuguese Tax System. Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security.
Jayantilal, S., Jorge, S. F., & Aldeia, S. (2020). Novel Methodologies to explain SME's internationalisation. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development and 3rd Online ESD Conference.
Aldeia, S.C.R., & Sousa, C. (2019). Accounting and taxation treatment of goodwill in Portugal [paper presentation]. European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2019). Accounting profit in spainish legislation [Paper presented]. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective
Aldeia, S. C. R. (2019). The going concerns accounting principle and its incorporation in corporate income tax law of Spain [Paper presentation]. International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Sustainability from an Economic and Social Perspective.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2017). A constituição da República Portuguesa, o Princípio da Capacidade Contributiva e a tributação pelo lucro real. Os novos horizontes do constitucionalismo global. IPCA, Barcelos, 2017, 411-421, ISBN 978-989-99861-1-4.
Aldeia, S.C.R. (2017). La determinación de la base imponible en el impuesto sobre: régimen general: Una perspectiva de derecho comparado de España y Portugal. Derecho, gobernanza e innovación: Dilemas jurídicos de la contemporaneidad en perspectiva transdisciplinar / coord. por Maria Manuela Magalhães Silva; Rubén Miranda Gonçalves (dir.), Fábio da Silva Veiga (dir.), 447-453.

Outras Publicações
Aldeia, S. (2021). Algumas notas sobre a tributação das empresas. Vida Económica.
Aldeia, S. (2020). O lucro fiscal em IRC. Vida Económica.

Experiência profissional
Docente do ISAG, desde 2020.
Docente da Universidade Portucalense, de 2017 a 2020.
Contabilista Certificada, com exercício de funções, desde 2003.
Consultora fiscal e contabilística.

Researcher IDs