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Research & Development


The ISAG Research Centre (NIDISAG), created in 2008, ceased its activity in July 2021, with the Research Coordination Office (GCI) ensuring the continuity of its mission.
The GCI established a protocol with the Research Centre in Business Sciences and Tourism (CICET - FCVC), with the aim of promoting and developing scientific research in areas of common interest, namely in the areas of Business Sciences, Hotel Management and Tourism.


The mission of the GCI is focused on the promotion, achievement and production of scientific knowledge in the following scientific areas: Accounting, Law, Economics, Finance, Management, History, Hospitality, Informatics, Modern Languages, Portuguese Language, Marketing, Mathematics and Tourism.


The main goals of the Office's activities, to fulfil ISAG's strategic plan, are as follows:
- Empower teachers/researchers with resources for the development of research;
- To promote the connection of students (junior researchers) to applied research;
- To create mechanisms of economic valorization of research;
- To encourage the increase of indexed applied scientific production.