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Abílio Vilaça

Name: Abílio da Cunha Vilaça
Acronym: ACV
Status: Não Activo


Sem informação a apresentar

Personal details

Academic Background
Specialist with recognition by the CTC of the proponent institution (ISAG) in Tourism
Specialist with Public Tests (Article 6º of Decree-Law No. 206/2009) in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Master in Business Management, Specialization in Marketing - University of Minho
Bachelor in Systems Engineering and Computer Science - University of Minho

Research Area
Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Research Units/Centers

Publications (most relevant)
Books and Book Chapters
Cerdeiras, A., Vilaça, A., Costa, D., Molho, C. & others (2020). Impacto da COVID-19 na atividade económica das empresas turísticas da região do Minho, Edition Aproturm. www.aproturm.com
Cerdeiras, A., Vilaça, A., Costa, D., Molho, C. & others (2020). Impacto da COVID-19 na atividade económica das empresas turísticas da região do Minho, Pós-Verão, Edition Aproturm. www.aproturm.com
Ferreira, J. P., Vilaça, A., Molho, C.; Cerdeiras, A. & others (2020). Plano de sustentabilidade para o turismo 2020-2023. Minho - Contributos APROTURM. www.aproturm.com
Vilaça, A. & Cerdeiras, A. (2020). Planejamento e Conceção de Itinerários Turísticos, Edições Espaço Visual.
Vilaça, A. & Cerdeiras, A. (2020). Empreendedorismo na Conceção de Itinerários Turísticos, Edições Espaço Visual.
Vilaça, A. (2020). Entrepreneurial Management in Tourism Units, Edições Espaço Visual.
Vilaça, A. & Cerdeiras, A. (2020). Marketing Turístico Unidades de Turismo Rural, Edições Espaço Visual.
Costa, V., Moura, A., Vilaça, Abílio C. & others (2019). Profile and Trends of Human Capital in the Tourism Sector. Supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave and by POCI-01-0145-FEDER-023622, ISBN 978-989-5489-4-4. http://hdl.handle.net/11110/1798
Vilaça, A. & Bandeira, M. (2013). Braga, the centrality of a bimillennial city. In J. A. Fernandes & M. E. Sposito (Org.), The New Life of the Old Centre in Portuguese and Brazilian cities (pp. 151-170). CEGOT - Centro de Estudos de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território. https://doi.org/10.4000/confins.10603

Conferences/Workshops and Proceedings
Vilaça, A. (2008). [Opening Session]. International Congress Cultural and Religious Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century. https://www.academia.edu/8923818/Turismo_cultural_e_religioso_oportunidades_e_desafios_para_o_s%C3%A9culo_XXI
Vilaça, A. & Pereira V. (2008). Introduction. Proceedings of the International Congress Cultural and Religious Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century (pp. 15-19). https://www.academia.edu/8923818/Turismo_cultural_e_religioso_oportunidades_e_desafios_para_o_s%C3%A9culo_XXI
Vilaça, A. (2008). The Awakening to a New Business Reality. Proceedings of the International Congress Cultural and Religious Tourism: Opportunities and Challenges for the 21st Century (pp. 88-90). https://www.academia.edu/8923818/Turismo_cultural_e_religioso_oportunidades_e_desafios_para_o_s%C3%A9culo_XXI

Other Publications
Vilaça, A. (2022). The importance of territory in the management of lodging and tourism developments. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2021). Pools: A fundamental tourist equipment to increase the retention time of guests in an accommodation and improve the intensity of the tourist experience. Vida económica.
Vilaça, A. (2021). Pools: A fundamental tourist equipment to increase the retention time of guests in an accommodation and improve the intensity of the tourist experience. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2021). Ethics and social responsibility in tourism - a call not to misrepresent priorities in Post-Covid 19. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2021). Veira do Minho, tourism and the French invasions. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2020). The management control of public events with impact on tourism. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2020). Smart Cities and Urban Tourism a path with a future. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2020). Algarve and Madeira Hotels face the BREXIT. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2019). Tourist Cities. Vida Económica.
Vilaça, A. (2019). Tourism's air transport grab will continue to generate pollution. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). The digital marketing paradigm in Portuguese SMEs to conquer new markets. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Metrics in hotel management. Economic life.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Tourism marketing and its contribution in the affirmation of Portugal. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Contribution to tourist but ambitious hospitality in the city of Porto. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Ethics and conflict in tourism. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Ethics in Tourism and the management of human capital. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Tourism ethics and labour relations - The Worker. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2018). Ethics and advertising in tourism. Vida Economica..
Vilaça, A. (2018). Portugal, wine country and wine tourism. Vida Economica.
Vilaça, A. (2017). New challenges for Porto's hotel industry. Vida Economica.

Professional Experience
President of the Board of the Association of Tourism Professionals of Minho - APROTURM since 2019
President of the Board of the Association for Regional Development of Minho, since 2012.
President of the National Strategic Council for Crafts, Popular Art and Culture of the Portuguese Industrial Association, since 2009.
Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Cooperative - Training Institute for Commerce Tourism and Services, since 2012.
Teacher at ISAG since March 1997.
Vowel of the Board of Directors of ISAG, from 2013 to 2015.
Member of the IEFP Advisory Committee for Certification of Traditional Craft Products (CCCPAT), National System of Qualification and Certification of Traditional Craft Products, Decree-Law No. 121/2015 of June 30.
Member of the Scientific Council of ISAG since 2020
Member of the Master's Scientific Council since 2020

Researcher IDs